
Zero-Waste Living for a Sustainable Household

Zero-Waste Living for a Sustainable Household

A zero-waste lifestyle is a powerful way to reduce environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable planet. Here are some doable pointers to help you embrace zero-waste living in your household.

Reduce and Reuse. Reduce single-use plastics and swap disposable items like plastic bags, bottles and utensils. Opt for reusables instead, like cloth bags, when going grocery shopping. Most stores now supply plenty of reusable bags. The infamous Stanley Cup craze is famous for a reason and takes stainless steel bottles to the next level. Bring bamboo utensils instead of plastic next time you head out for a picnic or to the beach. Reduce additional plastic and paper waste and choose package-free options. Consider swapping plastic soap bottles with bars. In fact, bars are more concentrated and last longer than bottled products. If you feel zealous, try handcrafting your soap bars. Ditch the tea bags since they are loaded with microplastics that are bad for you and the environment. Loose-leaf teas are lovely. Plus, you can get creative mixing your own unique magical brew!  

Compost organic waste. According to the EPA, 30 percent of Americans’ waste is yard and food scraps. Unfortunately, few cities offer compost pickup, but you can still compost at home or in an apartment. There are plenty of powerful food recyclers, some of which include charcoal and upcycled coconut shells for odor filtration. If wanting to DIY a compost system, use worms and a plastic bin with some holes. The kids may enjoy this route, and it can get them involved and teach them at a younger age about zero-waste living. Composting not only reduces landfill waste but also creates nutrient-rich soil for gardening.

Sensible shopping. Before making purchases, consider the product’s durability, recyclability and environmental impact. Choose products with minimal packing and opt for eco-friendly materials whenever possible. Vegan leather has become a big deal in fashionistas worldwide. Using various plants such as mushrooms, grapes and pineapples, brands from H&M to Calvin Klein have adopted vegan leather.

In a perfect zero-waste world, everyone would go vegan, but too many carnivores crave steaks and chicken nuggets! However, consider the meat source and choose humanely raised meat. Try a Meatless Monday and increase your veggie intake. Plant-based meals can be pleasantly delicious! Plan meals to help streamline grocery trips, trim food costs, and reduce waste by ensuring you’ll use everything you purchase. When choosing vegetables and fruits, give some ugly ones a chance. Misfits Market has a funny-looking solution to food waste. This low-cost grocery subscription sends odd and peculiar-looking fruits and vegetables for a fraction of the average grocery store price.

Go Paperless. Though you will still receive a plethora of snail and junk mail daily, try opting for bills to go paperless. Switch to digital documents and save on paper and ink. Always opt for digital receipts or emailed receipts. Receipt paper is often coated with toxic BPA and BPS, so avoiding it is an excellent way to avoid unnecessary chemical exposure.

By incorporating these into daily routines, you can significantly reduce waste production and inspire others to join the zero-waste movement for a healthier planet!